
Resep Donat ( Doughnut Recipe )

Donat merupakan makanan ringan yang umum di gemari oleh semua orang, termasuk aku dan keluarga. Dalam satu keluarga tentunya mempunyai topping favorit masing-masing ya bunda... ada yang suka coklat meises, taburan gula halus, donut yang di celup coklat cair, taburan kacang, taburan keju dan lain-lain.

Hmmm... kalau aku lebih suka donat dengan isian selai di dalamnya ibarat selai nanas atau strawberry, taburan gula halus juga cukup menggugah selera.
Cara membuatnya praktis ya bunda... dan untuk taburan donat, silahkan bunda berkreasi di dapur cantiknya.

Berikut materi dan cara membuatnya
Bahan - materi :

  • 500 gram tepung terigu
  • 11 gram ragi instan
  • 1 gelas susu hangat
  • 1 butir telur
  • 3 sdm gula pasir
  • 2 sdm mentega
  • Minyak sayur untuk menggoreng

Bahan taburan :

  • Mentega secukupnya
  • Coklat meises secukupnya

Cara Membuatnya :

  1. Campur 3 sdm gula pasir ke dalam 1 gelas susu hangat, aduk-aduk hingga gula pasir larut
  2. Masukkan ke dalam wadah mangkok yang agak besar, tambahkan 11 gram ragi instan, aduk dan sisihkan beberapa ketika hingga ragi mengembang
  3. Masukkan 500 gram tepung terigu ke dalam wadah besar, campur larutan ragi dan tambahkan 1 butir telur
  4. Aduk hingga rata dan uleni, tambahkan 2 sdm mentega kemudian uleni kembali hingga campuran benar-benar kalis
  5. Diamkan 30 menit hingga dengan 1 jam hingga campuran donat mengembang
  6. Setelah 30 menit, kempiskan campuran kemudian bentuk bulat-bulat dan lubangi bab tengahnya
  7. Sisihkan di loyang yang sudah di lapisi tepung terigu, diamkan beberapa ketika hingga mengembang
  8. Panaskan minyak sayur di dalam wajan, goreng donat hingga kecoklatan dan matang
  9. Angkat dan tiriskan minyaknya kemudian dinginkan
  10. Setelah benar-benar dingin, olesi mentega kemudian taburi coklat meises dan sajikan

Menggoreng donat ternyata juga dapat di bilang gampang-gampang susah ya bunda.... terkadang donat yang kita goreng sudah gosong di bab luar tetapi di bab dalam nya belum matang dengan sempurna.
Jangan khawatir bunda.... lihat tips-tipsnya semoga donat yang bunda goreng benar-benar tepat di artikel selanjutnya dengan judul Tips-tips perihal donat. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D

Doughnut Recipe

The donuts are a common snack in the favorite by everyone, including me and the family. In one family would have their favorite toppings ... nobody likes brown meises, a sprinkling of powdered sugar, donut in liquid brown dye, a sprinkling of nuts, cheese sprinkling and others.

Hmmm ... if I prefer donuts with jam stuffing in it such as pineapple or strawberry jam, powdered sugar topping is also quite tempting.
How to make it quite easy ... and for a donut sprinkles, please be creative in your beautiful kitchen and you are free to choose the ingredients of doughnut sprinkles according to taste.

Here are the ingredients and how to make
Ingredients :

  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 11 grams of yeast
  • 1 cup warm milk
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Material topping :

  • Butter to taste
  • Brown meises taste

How To Make :

  1. Mix 3 tablespoons granulated sugar in 1 cup of warm milk, stir until sugar dissolves
  2. Put it in a container rather large bowl, add 11 grams of yeast, stir and set aside a few moments until the yeast expands
  3. Enter 500 grams of flour into a large container, mix the yeast solution and add 1 egg
  4. Mix well and knead, add 2 tablespoons of butter and knead the dough again until completely smooth
  5. Let stand 30 minutes to 1 hour until the dough donut expands
  6. After 30 minutes, the dough flat and round shape and make a hole in the middle
  7. Set aside on a baking sheet that has been coated in flour, set aside some time to expand
  8. Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet, fry the donuts until browned and cooked
  9. Remove and drain the oil and let cool
  10. Once completely cool, spread butter and sprinkle brown meises and serve

Fry the donuts was also could be said easy to hard .... sometimes fried donuts that we already charred on the outside but on the inside immature perfectly.
You do not worry because I share tips related to fry donuts .... see the tips that you fried donuts absolutely perfect in the next article with the title of  Tips about doughnuts. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D