Bunda pernah makan sayur genjer ? di kawasan kami sayuran genjer terkenal dan cukup banyak peminatnya. Teksturnya hampir mirip sayuran kangkung yang biasanya ditanam berdampingan dengan sayur genjer.
Tetapi untuk mengolah genjer terlebih dahulu harus direbus sebentar dengan diberi sedikit garam, gres di masak dengan olahan yang bermacam-macam dan menjadi hidangan yang sedap disantap :D
Bahan - materi :
- 2 ikat sayur genjer
- 4 buah tempe
- 1 papan petai
- 3 siung bawang putih
- 5 siung bawang merah
- 8 buah cabe merah
- Garam dan gula secukupnya
- Minyak sayur untuk menumis
Cara Membuat :
- Bersihkan dan potong 2 ikat sayur genjer, basuh dan rebus sebentar kemudian tiriskan
- Potong dadu 4 buah tempe, sisihkan
- Potong-potong 1 papan petai
- Haluskan 3 siung bawang putih, 5 siung bawang merah dan 8 buah cabe merah
- Panaskan minyak sayur di dalam wajan untuk menumis, tumis bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan hingga harum
- Masukkan genjer, tempe dan petai kemudian aduk rata
- Tambahkan garam dan gula sesuai selera, aduk rata dan tunggu beberapa ketika hingga bumbu meresap
- Angkat dan sajikan
Sayuran ini sanggup biasanya sanggup dengan gampang ditanam di pekarangan rumah, selain sehat sanggup irit juga...sayur genjer ini juga hasil panen sayuran dari pekarangan rumah aku hehehehe :D. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D
Sauteed Vegetables Genjer Recipe
Do you ever eat genjer or velvetleaf vegetables with scientific language Limnocharis flava? genjer vegetables pretty much popular in our region and also most of people like it. In the following recipe genjer also sauteed with petai or scientific language Parkia speciosa.
Genjer or velvetleaf vegetables texture almost like water spinach vegetables which usually planted side by side with velvetleaf. But to cook genjer must first briefly boiled with a little salt, freshly cooked with mixed and processed into a savory dish eaten : D
Ingredients :
- 2 bunches of vegetables genjer
- 4 pieces of tempeh
- 1 long stalks petai
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 5 pieces of onions
- 8 red chilies
- Salt and sugar to taste
- Vegetable oil for frying
How To Make :
- Clean and cut 2 bunches of genjer, washed and boiled briefly and then drain
- Diced 4 pieces of tempeh, set aside
- Take out the pods of petai then cut into slices
- Puree 3 cloves garlic, 5 spring onions and 8 red chilies
- Heat the vegetable oil in a skillet for frying, stir-fry the spice paste until fragrant
- Enter genjer, tempeh and petai then stir until blended
- Add salt and sugar to taste, stir and wait a while until the spices to infuse
- Remove and serve
These vegetables can usually be easily planted in the yard of the house, in addition to sparing healthy too ... This genjer also harvest vegetables from my home yard hehehehe : D. So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom : D
This is genjer or velvetleaf vegetables with scientific language Limnocharis flava
And this is petai or bitter bean or scientific language Parkia speciosa.