
Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

Inspirasi roti boy dengan gaya yang beda

Awalnya terinspirasi dengan roti boy lagi nih. Tetapi di dalam benak ada sebuah ide lain wacana roti saya ini, bagaimana kalau roti yang di nikmati bersama aroma cappucino yang sedikit bergerintil di atasnya. Makara tampilan sekilasnya hampir seakan-akan roti dengan taburan kacang diatasnya tetapi ternyata bukan kacang,,, niscaya seru pikirku :D

Akhirnya sanksi bahan-bahan di mulai, roti cappucino crumble ini yakni modifikasi saya sendiri. Saya malahan sempat berpikir kalau saja mentega yang digunakan untuk crumblenya tiba-tiba meleleh ketika di oven, makanya saya mencoba untuk mencampur mentega dengan tepung.

resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

Karena saya memakai margarin yang rasanya cukup asin, maka saya tambahkan gula di dalamnya untuk meminimalkan rasa asinnya. Ketika dipanggang aroma cappucino nya harum semerbak.

Dan hasilnya kecemasan saya hilang ketika melihat cappucino crumble di atas rotinya bergerindil tepat dan ketika matang dan dikeluarkan dari oven, tampilannya begitu cantik... YES, saya berhasil hahaha :D

Berikut materi dan cara membuatnya
Bahan - materi :

  • 500 gram tepung terigu
  • 11 gram ragi instan
  • 7 sdm gula pasir
  • 1 sdt garam halus
  • 1 sdm susu bubuk
  • 1 sdm margarin
  • 1 1/2 gelas air hangat kuku
  • 2 buah telur dikocok lepas untuk olesan

  • Bahan biang :

  • 1/4 gelas tepung terigu
  • 1/4 gelas air

  • Bahan Cappucino Crumble :

  • 100 gram tepung terigu
  • 100 gram margarin
  • 5 sdm gula pasir
  • 2 sachet kopi cappucino instan

  • resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

    Cara Membuatnya :

    1. Masak materi biang hingga kental dan berwarna kekuningan, angkat dan dinginkan

    2. Masukkan 1 1/2 gelas air hangat kuku ke dalam mangkuk besar, tambahkan 7 sdm gula pasir kemudian aduk hingga gula larut

    3. Tambahkan 11 gram ragi instan, aduk rata kemudian diamkan beberapa ketika hingga ragi mengembang

    4. Campur semua materi untuk cappucino crumble, aduk dengan memakai tangan hingga berbentuk butiran-butiran kemudian masukkan ke dalam kulkas

    5. Masukkan 500 gram tepung terigu ke dalam wadah yang besar, campur 1 sdt garam halus, 1 sdm susu bubuk kemudian aduk rata

    6. Buat lubang di tengah-tengah tepung kemudian tambahkan ragi instan yang sudah mengembang, uleni gabungan memakai tangan hingga rata dan kalis

    7. Tambahkan 1 sdm margarin kemudian uleni lagi hingga benar - benar kalis dan tidak lengket di tangan ( apabila perlu taburi tepung biar tidak lengket )

    8. Diamkan 30 menit hingga 1 jam hingga ukuran gabungan roti mengembang

    9. Setelah mengembang, kempiskan gabungan dengan menekan bab tengahnya dengan tangan dan bulatkan sesuai selera kemudian tutup dengan lap higienis dan diamkan kembali selama 15 - 30 menit hingga mengembang

    10. Setelah bulatan roti mengembang, olesi permukaan roti dengan telur hingga merata dan taburi materi cappucino crumble hingga menutupi semua permukaan roti, tata di atas loyang yang sudah diolesi margarin

    11. Panaskan panggangan hingga 170 derajat celsius, panggang roti selama 30 - 45 menit hingga matang, angkat dan sajikan

    resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

    Menikmati roti cappucino crumble

    Rotinya lembut dengan cappucino crumble yang sedikit renyah, meskipun rasa margarinnya sedikit terasa lengket di lidah. Keseluruhan roti ini sangat enak dan harum dengan aroma cappucinonya. Silahkan coba variasi wangsit roti yang lainnya ya... So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D

    resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

    Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe

    Inspiration coffee buns with a different style

    Originally inspired by the coffee buns again ya. But there was an idea in the my mind of another of bread, how about enjoy the bread with the aroma of cappuccino crumble on it. So visible at a glance like bread with a sprinkling of nuts on top but it was not nuts,,, definitely exciting thought :D

    Finally the ingredients begins execution, this cappucino crumble bread is my own modifications. I even had time to think if only the butter used for crumble suddenly melts when in the oven, so I tried to mix the butter with the flour.

    Because I use margarine that tasted quite salty, then I add sugar in it to minimize the salty taste. When baked aroma of cappuccino smell fragrant.

    And finally my anxiety disappeared when I saw cappucino crumble on top of the bread is perfect when bake and removed from the oven, it looks so pretty ... YES, I managed it hahaha :D

    resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

    The ingredients and how to make it
    Ingredients :

  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 11 grams of yeast
  • 7 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp fine salt
  • 1 tablespoon milk powder
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • 1 1/2 cup lukewarm water
  • 2 pieces off the beaten egg to spread

  • Thang Zhong Ingredients :

  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/4 cup water

  • Cappucino Crumble Ingredients :

  • 100 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 grams of margarine
  • 5 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 2 sachets of instant cappuccino coffee

  • How To Make :

    1. Cook the thang zhong ingredients until thick and yellowish, remove and let cool

    2. Add 1 1/2 cups warm water into a large bowl, add 7 tablespoons sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves

    3. Add 11 grams of yeast, stir well and let stand a few moments until the yeast expands

    4. Mix all ingredients for the crumble cappucino, stirring by hand until the shape of the grains and enter into the fridge

    5. Enter 500 grams of wheat flour into a large container, mix 1 tsp fine salt, 1 tablespoon of powdered milk and mix well

    6. Make a hole in the middle of the flour and add the yeast which has been expanding, knead the dough by hand until smooth and dull

    7. Add 1 tablespoon of margarine and knead again until completely smooth and not sticky to the touch ( if necessary sprinkle with flour to prevent sticking )

    8. Let stand 30 minutes to 1 hour until the dough expands size

    9. Once expand, flatten the dough by pressing the middle by hand and round it off to taste then cover with a clean cloth and let stand for 15-30 minutes until expand

    10. After the bread expand, rubbing the surface of the bread with egg until evenly and sprinkle the cappucino crumble ingredients to cover all surfaces of bread, arrange on a baking sheet that has been spread with margarine

    11. Preheat panggangan to 170 degrees Celsius, bake bread for 30-45 minutes until cooked, remove from heat and serve

    resep roti cappucino crumble di dapur kusNeti  Resep Roti Cappucino Crumble ( Cappucino Crumble Bread Recipe )

    Enjoy cappucino crumble bread

    Cappucino soft bread with a slightly crunchy crumble, though the taste of margarine a little sticky on the tongue. Overall this bread is very tasty and fragrant with the aroma of cappuccino. Please try other variations of my inspiration bread... So, Enjoy Your Cooking Mom :D